A Comprehensive Guide to Plumeria Care: How to Keep Your Plant Thriving

By John

Plumeria flowers are the best ornamental flora for the garden of every passionate gardener. The beauty of the Plumeria plants lies within the beautiful colorful flowers. Plumeria flowers are of a wide variety and can be found in different regions of the world. Plumeria, popularly called frangipani trees, are evergreen deciduous shrubs, primarily located in areas in warm climates.

Talking about the scientific perspective of the frangipani trees, the scientific name of the plant is Plumeria, which belongs to the Apocynaceae family or is better called the dogbane family. of the Plantae kingdom in the Gentianales order.

In tropical island locations like Hawaii, popularly called (Hawaiian Lei Flower), Seychelles, Mauritius, and various areas around the US, including Southern California, plumeria trees are a familiar sight. They have been tenderly raised by gardeners for many decades and are still extensively distributed across South America.

All About Plumeria Flower and Plumeria Tree Care

Before we talk about taking care for plumeria plant, it is important to know the details of the plumeria plant.

There are more than a dozen species found of plumeria in the radius of America South America and the Islands of the Caribbean.

Plumeria can be found in regions where the temperature does not false below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The growth habit of plumeria emerges out of the plant being large shrubs or small trees.

They have highly pregnant flowers and large-leaved foliage. The specie of plumeria, plumeria obtusa, are evergreen plants. In some conditions, the plants may also undergo the dormant period when either leaf start to shred off or flowering stops in the plant.

Frangipani flowers are highly fragrant flowers that can be found in a variety of beautiful scents like Jasmine, Gardenia, and citrus. These flowering plants smell to their fullest at night when pollinators emerge.

Taking Care of Plumeria Tree: A General Overview

Nowadays, you may cultivate a variety of various plumeria species. The forms of these plants’ leaves and the hues of their sweet-smelling blossoms play a big role in their diversity. Each variation differs from the next in terms of the form of its leaves, and it also exhibits a broad range in blossom size.

There are different types or species of Plumeria trees like Plumeria rubra, Plumeria alba, Plumeria obtusa, Plumeria pudica, Red frangipani etc.

A lot of varieties of frangipani trees are included as the national beauty of various countries like, Plumeria rubra is the national flower of Nicaragua, and Plumeria alba is the national flower of Laos.

If as a gardener you are interested to grow plumeria and get a vast area of your garden with fragrant flowers that bloom profusely, then it is very important to take proper care of plumeria.

In order to take care of plumeria trees in your garden there are some basic elements you need to keep in mind for ensuring the pregnant flowers to thrive-

Make sure to provide it with a suitable environment with the required temperature for growth. In the absence of the correct temperature be it high or low,

Ensure to prevent the soil from ever drying out entirely, and water your plumeria frequently. You can fully cease watering the tree in the winter or during its dormancy.

You should treat your plumeria with a phosphate fertilizer every two to three weeks throughout the height of the growing season to encourage new growth.

Your plumeria may develop seed pods that seem long and slender when it blooms. Before gathering these pods, let them dry and turn brown. To get at the plumeria seeds, pry them open.

Pests like spider mites, whiteflies, mealybugs, or scale bugs might infest your home. By pelting the plant’s leaves to blow them away along with a neem spray or even other insecticides, you may get rid of them.

Plumeria rust is a typical illness that affects the leaves and manifests as an orange powder and blisters. This can be handled using a fungicide.

Above mentioned were some fundamental requirements of plumeria in brief. Lets take a detailed look on the requirements for the growth of plumeria plants.

Soil and Potting Requirements for Plumeria Plants

Not only for plumeria but all other plants it is important to choose to write quality soil and fertilizers for its growth. It is most important to use the best quality sterile and fresh soil to grow plumeria plants.

The soil used to plant plumeria should be slightly acidic in nature and have the quality of free draining. For this, a commercial Sandy mix would be a good option.

For making the soil combination to plant plumeria make a good mix of equal parts of perlite, regular potting soil, and coarse sand. This will work for both, the plants planted in the ground and potted plants as well.

Our natural inclination as gardeners is to utilize our own soils, composts, and other fertilizers as frequently as possible to encourage flowering and blooms in our rare and valuable plants, but tropical plants, such as flowering plumeria trees, can react very badly to our own compost.

Light and Temperature Requirements for Plumeria Flowers

In some areas like North Texas the plumerias generally do not bloom in winters hence people shift or plant plumerias indoors during the winter season.

This is done especially because plumeria plants require ample Sunlight and good temperature. Hence in the winter season keeping the plumeria plants in pots within the glass doors or greenhouse Shelters is a nice option.

The glass room or greenhouse shelter traps the heat within and raises the temperature suitable to grow plumeria plants.

At least four to six hours a day of strong, direct sunshine are required for plumeria. So, position it in a bright South-facing window for indoor growth. Put your Plumeria under a fluorescent lamp for 14 to 15 hours each day if your home doesn’t have enough natural light.

Due to the tropical climate, keeping the ideal air temperature is particularly crucial. While it can endure the hot summers, it likes temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees F.

Simply wait until the nighttime lows are routinely above 65 degrees Fahrenheit before bringing it outside, and remember to return it inside for the winter before the lows fall to 55 degrees Fahrenheit or below.

Watering and Humidity Requirements for Plumeria Plants

The frangipani plant, also known as plumeria, is a tropical plant that has naturalized in tropical areas and is most intrinsically intertwined with the regions around Hawaii, and so is the title of the flower, the Hawaiian Lei Flower.

These intelligent but thirsty plants constantly self-manage their water absorption in their natural habitat and choose to thrive on rich, free-draining soil, which helps them produce their beautiful blossoms and fragrant blooms.

Since plumeria plants are exposed to direct sunlight all day, there are chances of the plant getting dried out completely. In that case, the plants need to be watered nicely.

There are 2 methods to water plumeria that are planted inside or in heated greenhouses: either, water lightly once a week. Water plumeria plants only when completely dry, or fertilize every 2-4 weeks.

You need to determine whether there is still any moisture in the top two inches of the soil using water meters or a straightforward finger test. Do not water the soil if it is even slightly wet. Make sure the young plants stand in a well draining soil, which in the end may result in beautiful waxy flowers.

Fertilizing Requirements for Plumeria Tree

In its active growing season, that is during early spring, it requires full sun to grow. And is standing in full sun consistently, it may lose fertility. For that, you need to provide good plumeria fertilizer for growing plumeria.

Throughout summer long, plumerias benefit from constant fertilizer done around once per week. Individuals and even individual plants’ methods of fertilization are constantly different.

You might be able to satisfy the fertilizer needs of the plumeria plants under your care by using a soil fertilizer.

But if you irrigate your plumeria excessively, you can discover that all the nutrients are just running away. In addition, over-watering can also cause root rot.

Deeply water the plant, but let any extra run off and give the soil time to dry up before giving it another drink.

Pruning Requirements for Plumeria Tree

Trim your plumeria occasionally to get rid of wasted flowers, dead or dying branches, or to keep it smaller. Never remove unneeded branches during the sweltering summer months; winter or early spring are the best times to prune for size and shape.

It is best for the plant if you remove dead or diseased branches as soon as possible, but you can do this whenever you see them.

If you see that your plant is starting to get stringy and long, you may cut it back to stimulate lower new growth that will help fill up the plant. If possible, you should do this in the winter as well.

Always remember to prune for plant health more than aesthetics. To preserve a strong structure, cuts should be done directly at or above the branching point.

Common Problems and Solutions


Plumeria rust is a fungal infection that has become well-known for its noticeable, powdery, yellow-orange sores on leaves. The presence of yellow, orange, or reddish-brown granular papules on the leaves, stems, or buds of the diseased plant can always be identified.


If it has a substantial head start, Black Tip Fungus is exceedingly difficult to manage. Black Tip can show up at any point of the year, although it often attacks in the spring and the fall.

If unchecked, it will completely destroy a little plumeria and the growth tips of larger trees. As the weather warms up after Black Tip has destroyed the growth tips on a mature plumeria, Black Tip will disappear.


Stem rot, also known as “Black leg” or “Black Rot,” is a condition that results in the destruction of the Plumeria’s inner layers. When the interior of the plumeria stem rots away, it becomes mushy and floppy. Stem rot spreads swiftly and nearly invariably results in the death of cuttings. Stem rot typically happens while attempting to root cuttings or when storing them for the winter.


  • Throughout the growth season, make sure the plant receives 6 hours of direct sun every day. For the lightest exposure, move it on a window sill towards the west or south.

  • In order to prevent blooms from growing and interfering with the plant’s regular development pace, keep an eye out for thrips, mealybugs, and scale. Neem oil spray should be used in cases of severe infestations.

  • Give the plant without inorganic fertilizers that have a phosphorus concentration of around 50%. Flowering will be promoted by this.

  • Regularly prune the plant to promote new shoots that will bloom when the time is appropriate.


Plumeria Plants are delicate plants that are widely found in tropical regions. This is because tropical climates provide the best-suited environment for the growth of plumeria, ever since from its small tree phase or as a potted plant.

Plumeria plants produce beautiful white flowers and that comes with a lot of hard work and taking care of plumeria that encourage blooms.

Keeping the plant in a good afternoon shade, providing it with the best-balanced fertilizer, and planting it in soil having proper drainage holes increases the beauty of your home garden.

Frequently Asked Questions on Plumeria Care

What type of soil is best for a Plumeria plant?

Well draining potting mix, with a good mix of plumeria fertilizer and cactus potting mix, is the best soil for plumeria.

How much light does a Plumeria plant need?

Small tree of Plumeria needs at least six hours of direct sunlight to grow or at times partial shade for planting plumerias.

What is the ideal temperature range for a Plumeria plant?

Locations where the temperature stays between 65 and 80 °F are ideal for frangipani plumeria.

How often should I water my Plumeria plant?

At first, water the plant as much as possible to completely hydrate the soil. Once or twice a week when they are outside in the scorching summer sun, you may water them once they have begun to leaf out.

What is the ideal humidity level for a Plumeria plant?

When the humidity is approximately 50% and the temperature is between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, plumeria grows well.

What type of fertilizer is best for a Plumeria plant?

For the plant to blossom, phosphorus must be applied often and in large concentrations. The ideal is a bespoke 10-52-10 fertilizer.

When should I prune my Plumeria plant?

Winter or early spring are the best times to prune for size and shape. It is best for the plant if you remove dead or diseased branches as soon as possible, but you can do this whenever you see them.

What are the most common problems faced by Plumeria plant owners?

Owners of plumeria regularly deal with issues including black tip fungus, rust fungus, rust infections, coleosporium domingense, and black rot.

How can I prevent and treat pests and diseases in my Plumeria plant?

Ensure the plant gets six hours of direct sunlight each day throughout the growing season. When there is a serious infestation, neem oil spray should be utilized. Feed the plant decomposed mulch with a phosphorus content of around 50% without them. Pruning the plant on a regular basis will encourage new growth that will blossom when the timing is right.

What are some tips for keeping my Plumeria plant healthy and thriving?

To promote plumeria growing, plumerias need at least five hours of direct sunlight, but full sun is ideal. Throughout the summer growth season, keep the soil equally wet but let some drying to take place between those thorough waterings. Avoid the exposure of plants to too much nitrogen.

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