How to Get Plumerias to Bloom: A Guide for Owners

By John

The Plumeria plant popularly known as frangipani flowers are the lovely flowers that can be spotted in most households’ gardens. Their beautiful Blossoms and scent make you think of a warm island with amusing umbrella beverages.

However, growing frangipani flowers successfully and the house is not an easy job as one needs to give most of the time and attention to it. Therefore if you are planning to plant a plumeria in your garden then you have to be very dedicated to it otherwise the plant may fail to bloom.

 In general, all plumeria plants require at least direct sunlight to bloom, which might be challenging in some regions or areas with many trees. Some of you may wonder why is your plumeria not blooming. If your plumeria does not bloom they are a few cultural and practical measures you can take for your plant.

If your plumeria plants are not blooming properly then you should find out the reasons behind it. Plumeria comes in a wide range of vibrant colors. It is a 5 petal beautiful flower in vivid colors that makes it a stand-out plant for gardens in warm areas. 

The leaves of the plants are quite lustrous, yet the flower is known for its profusely blooming property. In such a case, the non-blooming flower of the plumeria plant is really disappointing.

There are mainly 3 key factors that may prevent the frangipani flowers from blossoming. The plants need 6 to 7 hours of good and bright sunlight and occasional pruning for healthy and blooming growth of the plant.

Also, it is important to take care of the plant by providing resistance to pests. Here, in this article, you will get to know in detail the measures and steps to be taken to bloom the plumeria flowers in the garden.

Key Takeaways

  • Plumeria is a plant that requires the minimum amount of attention, but full dedication. Proper look after to plant may result in excellent blooming.
  • The basic requirement for the growth of plumeria is providing it with good sunlight and water, and keeping a regular check for pest control.
  • Regular pruning helps to maintain the external structure of the plant and limits the overgrowth of the plant.
  • There can be several issues with the plumeria plant related to overwatering, pest attacks, or temperature disbalances. So, to maintain the quality of the plant, it is important to keep an eye on all of these factors.

Requirements for the Growth of Plumeria Flowers

We know that Plumeria plants bloom mostly in the early summer season, hence, it is important to know about the needs and requirements of the young plants. For a plumeria flower to grow properly it is important to provide it with all the important requirements like highly draining soil, ample amount of bright sunlight, and bearable temperature.

For gardeners who wish to grow plumeria indoors, it is an easy task. You can get container plants and provide them with granular fertilizer. Apart from that, all you need to do is to look for the right location for the plant, where it is not overwatered and gets bright light.

Best Soil for Plumeria Plants

When plumerias are grown indoors then they naturally are called potted plants. For growing plumeria indoors or even outdoors in pots use soil that is highly drained along with a mixture of cactus mix perlite and fine sand, which is slightly acidic. If you see, that your plumeria not blooming, then you need to check the quality of the soil it is planted in.

You can check the moisture in the soil by putting your finger to about 1 inch inside the soil. If you find the soil wet then you don’t have to water it. Also to maintain the proper moisture in the plant you can keep the soil moisture gauge in the pots.

To increase the fertility of the soil, you can add granular fertilizer or slow release fertilizer to this tropical plant. good quality soil promotes the healthy growth of the plant. At times, high nitrogen fertilizers also promote plumerias bloom production.

Providing Bright Sunlight to the Plumeria Plant

Like any other healthy plant, for a plumeria also, a good amount of bright sunshine is required. We know that Plumeria grows in the early summer season, hence you should place your plumeria plants in an area that receives direct sunlight for proper flowering.

The frangipani plants are supposed to get at least six hours of sunlight on a mandate. Sunlight plays a very important role in the growth of plant health.

If you are placing the plumeria plant in a pot indoors, then try to place it near the window, so that doesn’t has too much shade. This means it should be exposed to either partial sun or full sun.

It is highly recommended that the plumeria plant should be grown in slightly acidic soil, as this allows the plumeria to bloom.

plumeria, flower, exotic

Size of the Container for Plumeria Plants

For all the gardeners, who are interested to grow plumeria in their gardens, it is very important to know, what kind of containers or pots they should use. Selection of the right type of container too can result in the best plumeria blooms and enhance the overall plant health.

Ideally, you should use an open garden for growing plumeria, as in a garden the roots of plumeria can stretch freely deep into the soil. And it also helps in the blooming of the plumeria.

But if you are keeping the big container for planting Plumeria. This is because big containers allow the root system of the plant to grow properly. If the roots of plumeria will not get enough space to stretch their branches, they won’t be able to extract the required minerals for the growth of the plant.

Pruning and Training of Plumeria Bloom

Generally, plumeria flowers do not need much pruning but still, they can grow to a good height and may become untidy if not maintained properly. Therefore to maintain the external beauty of the plant pruning and training of plumeria is very important.

To have beautiful flowers in the plant, you should prune or trim the flower plant.

Pruning plumeria can aid in reducing the size of the plant and assist in removing disease or dead branches. But it is a very common question among the gardeners that went to prune the plumeria plant.

When to Prune Plumeria?

The best time of pruning the mature frangipani is during the winter season. Since we know that the blooming period of the flower is in the summer, therefore, to avoid the blooming of the flower, the pruning process is done in winter, or early spring. Apart from that, you can slash out the dead and damaged branches off the plant at any time of the year, and it won’t affect the health of the plant.

Guidelines to Prune Plumeria

In order to prune the plumeria plant successfully follow the measures like selecting the appropriate equipment for pruning.

For tiny branches, an excellent sharp knife could be the best tool. For medium-sized branches, sharp pruning shears are the best tools. And for plants that have branches with diameters more than 8 cm pruning saws are the best option.

To achieve an even and clean cut in the branches, clean and sanitize your instruments or tools with mild alcohol and keep them as sharp as you can.

After each cut made in the plant, you should sterilize your blade or any other equipment you are using with rubbing alcohol.

For gardeners, it is important to choose the right trimming spot to avoid the under or over-trimming of the plant.

During the troubleshooting, the location removes all the dead branches with extra care. You can easily find out that the plant is strong enough if after cutting a clean white sap starts to flow out of the branches. Hence if you don’t see any kind of fluid using out of the branches you need to prune the branch further.

Plumeria is a beautiful and fragrant flower. Like other plants, plumeria plant does not require much attention still if neglected and exposed to over or underwater or heating then they may thrive.

How to Prune Plumeria?

To get a healthy and blooming plumeria flower, you need to prune it regularly. Follow the steps given below to perform nice pruning of plumeria-

The best time to prune the plumeria plant is during the start of its blooming season, that is in the early spring.

Start pruning by making small cuts in the plant using a clean and sharp instrument. Shart tool is recommended as in some cases the branches of older plumeria plants may become exceedingly woody.

Cut back all the overgrown branches of the plant. The plant can simply be cut to a stem length of 12 inches because of its high cutting tolerance. The best way to cut the plant is to slash it all the way to the ground.

Look for a tiny knot at the bottom of the branch before you begin to cut and make a mark of about 1 inch. Make sure not to cut the collar of the branch as it is the main component of the plant.

Common issues that can Prevent Blooming Plumeria

There are a number of issues that may prevent the blooming of plumeria. If you also notice the blooming bud falling down from the plant before they expand, you need to check for the cultural care provided to it.

The most common types of problems with plumeria plants that resist their blooming are inappropriate planting and less care provided to them. As we know that plumeria is a warm climates plant hence it requires an excellent amount of moisture.

However, over-drainage or overexposure to Sun or water may cause illness and plants that may result in improper growth.

Similarly providing the best quality soil to the plumeria buds is very important as if the soil is lacking in necessary nutrients like nitrogen then it may also be one of the reasons that are preventing the blooming of flowers. Therefore while planting the plumeria make sure that you are applying fertilizer regularly to it

Another major issue with the growth and health of plumeria is the temperature. At times with the change in temperature, the plants may attack themselves according to the environment and prepare themselves to be dormant for winters.

Apart from all these the major issues that may arise with plumeria are plumeria buds falling, buds turning black, and thrips feeding on the buds.

Solutions for the Problems to Blooming Plumeria

The issues mentioned above regarding the blooming of plumeria are not really a big problem as they can be solved very easily. All what you need to do is take care of the proper elements required for plant growth.

  1. Reducing over-watering: If you diagnose the problem of water clocking then immediately stop watering the plant. Immediately check out for the draining capacity of the pot or container and use perlite. if required.
  2. Balancing Uneven Temperature: Plumeria is not a cold-tolerant plant hence low temperatures may affect the growth of Green Leaves. To avoid such situations you may move the plant to a location where the temperature ranges between 37 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit and receives plenty of Sunlight.
    You can also reduce the amount of drainage to the plants
  3. Cleaning thrips: You can get rid of trips on plumeria by wiping off the branches using cotton ball debt in rubbing alcohol.
    Also, you can use the spray of neem oil to prevent insects like spider mites.


Plumeria is a beautiful flower that can be grown indoors and outdoors both. For healthy blooming of the flower, it is important to provide adequate conditions and surroundings to it. The conditions like proper sunlight, ample amount of water, and proper drainage, and preventing it from pests will definitely result in a lovely blooming flower.

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